Day 8 – So much more than just Pregnancy Massage

Receiving a massage is vitally important these days. The opportunity to break free from the chaos, to listen to your breathing, to get in touch with your body, is one of the best things you can do to stay sane. Just like movement and exercise, the need doesn’t go away when you become pregnant. Massage, just like movement, is beneficial on so many deeper levels than just having someone rub your body.

Bobbi of Body Work By Bobbi, my idea rebounder & friend, shares some of her favorite tips for Mommas-to-be when it comes to getting a massage while pregnant.

-Massage is a great way to become aware of your body & connect with the little life growing inside of you. Not only will you feel relaxed & happy, so will baby!

-Babies in utero are learning about the enviroment they’ll be coming into through you. Taking the time to care for yourself with massage, shows them you know how to handle stress and deal with it in a healthy way.

-During pregnancy, your muscles & joints are compensating for postural changes & weight gain. Making massage a regular part of your prenatal care is key to having a more enjoyable pregnancy.

-Massage can be received anytime throughout pregnancy, despite what you may have heard before. Yes, there are always precautions, so be sure you’re working with a therapist who specializes in prenatal massage. Read more about that here.