30 Days with BBA!
There are a lot of fabulous facts on how a woman’s body adapts to becoming pregnant or how it loves the additive effects of exercise while pregnant but maybe we don’t have time to read all the books and research. ENTER BBA! Every day will be a new post about a pregnant body so everyone can understand just how amazingly fascinating, knowledgeable, protective, powerful a woman’s body is during this stage in her life!
Day 1
Vascular underfill is the cause of “morning sickness”. The entire circulatory system increases (blood vessels dilate, relax, expand) virtually over night while blood volume remains the same. This causes a drop in blood pressure and ‘morning sickness’ symptoms. The body then holds on to salt and water expanding the amount of plasma in order to fill up the vascular system.
Symptoms include nausea, dizziness (especially standing up), racing pulse, sudden waves of fatigue, sweating, and pallor (pale skin color).
Some women have ‘morning sickness’ worse than others – it’s how your body adapts to hormonal changes that regulates your pregnancy symptoms.