“Birth Should be Your Greatest Achievement….



…Not your greatest fear.”

What happened in our history to shape a woman’s perception of her body? What happened to having the confidence and strength to thrive during this wonderfully special time? This AWESOME time! The growth & birth of new life!

Was it the medical community? Old Wives Tales? Bad information spread by the media?

All of the above?

Well times are changing….professionals are growing in the Rochester community that are preaching “YOU have a body that is STRONG & CAPABLE!”

I’m here to ask, what do you need from me to make you believe it? Because I have all the confidence in the world that your body knows whats best. All bodies know what’s good for them. During pregnancy, it is EXTRA aware and cautious. You’re an alert, in-tune momma! No need to halt everything just because you’re carrying life.

It’s actually counterproductive to halt activity. It’s better for you & baby to stay moving, lifting, pushing, pulling, squatting.

You’re preparing your body for birth just like you nest making your home a safe, loving place.

So if you’re ready to prepare, schedule an appointment! Or send me an email at Flaherty127@gmail.com so I can answer any questions you might have.