Low-Intensity Exercises for the Nauseas or Busy Pregnant Woman

We want to keep moving during pregnancy but sometimes the nausea or business of life gets the best of us. No worries! Below are sessions designed especially for you. Remember to drink water before, during, and after exercising. You should also eat a fueling snack about 30-60 minutes before all exercise sessions. The best are carbohydrates + protein + a little fat: Peanut butter on an apple with raw honey and cinnamon or an orange and jerky.

These sets are designed with no equipment needed. Please feel free to grab a weight of some kind if you’re feeling good or feel like you could use more of a challenge!

Warm Ups should be gentle yoga, walking progressed to jogging, dynamics that progressively get more plyometric, or low-intensity elliptical/treadmill work. If you get nauseas with fast-moving or jumping movements, modifications are shown with *.

My favorite are dynamics so I’ll give you an example. Perform these in an area where you have distance to travel, about 10-15 yards. Perform the circuit 2 times.

10 x Air Squats
10 x Arm circles forward and backward
5 x Wall Down Dogs
Quick Lateral Shuffle (down and back) *step instead of fast shuffle
10 x Alternating Back Lunges
5 x Inch Worms + Push Ups *if down dog irritates you, perform just the push ups
Frankensteins (down and back)
Skips (down and back twice) *high knee drive walk without foot leaving the ground
Single Leg Hops (down Right, back Left) *calf raises with two feet on ground x10

Session 1 x10 repetitions x4 sets/rounds

Squat (as low as possible with GREAT form)
Modified Triceps push ups (as many as possible with GREAT form)
Right Step backs on stairs
Left Step backs on stairs

Session 2 x40 seconds of work with 20 seconds of rest x 5 sets/rounds

Wall sit
Down dog
Right Fire Hydrants
Left Fire Hydrants
Bird Dog alternating
Table Top

Session 3 x12 x3

Glute bridges (if back lying makes you dizzy/nauseas, lay with shoulder and head on couch)
Standing calf raises
Alternating back lunge
Forearm side plank hip dip


If you’re having trouble figuring out how to add exercise into your routine or how to modify due to pregnancy or postpartum, contact me to talk about how I can help you get moving safely!