How much change and badassery can I take?!

Ever since Adam and I decided we were officially moving, it’s been a flurry of personal and business feelings and decisions.

How do I start my business in a new city?img_0517
What will I call it?
Who should I connect with ASAP to start building my network?
How will we make new friends?
What gym will we rent? Or work out of? Are they nice humans?
Can I train outside all year? Go in the ocean in January?
Where will we LIVE??? And can we afford anything?
Where can I advertise, cheaply?

All of these thoughts, and more!!! have been flowing through my brain for the past months and with each question comes internet research, contact information collecting, spreadsheets, contacting, interacting, setting up Skype/phone calls, following up, brainstorming, questioning, more research……

On top of this, we’ve had to run our Seminar advertising and connecting. Plus our Rochester based businesses. Pack for 3 different types of moving/travel. Alllllll thhheeeee thingggsss!!!!

Somehow we have both managed to throw in Parkour at Rochester Parkour. It’s our favorite movement outside of lifting weights and our very good friends Charlie and Nicole are EXCELLENT coaches. This past Thursday I faced fears to increase my badassery and I thought I was going to shit myself. No joke. My palms are sweating just typing this!


Our first set of movements was a continuation from last img_0512Sunday in which we learned how to place our feet on a 6.5 foot slightly angled wall to one day climb the whole thing. This came with first learning how to bail in case we missed. What I love about proper coaching is that you learn what to do in case things don’t go right. (I learned how to bail from an overhead snatch before I had even properly snatched, and you should too!) The day to climb the whole wall was Thursday. We learned that with just two knee drives and two feet positioned properly would propel us upwards and we could get high enough to place our hands to safely arrive. WHAT!!! I did it. I fucking img_0514climbed a 6.5ft wall and it felt….easy. Climbing this took 2 classes worth of practice and awesome coaching from Nicole. I can climb 6.5ft walls (brush my shoulders off). 😉

Next came an underbar.

Again, this is the 2nd class we worked on technique and Nicole told me I was ready to put everything together. “Ummm… I’m ready?? I can jump feet first and catch the bar and propel myself through to the other side without smashing my face?!”  In front of my classmates I said to Nicole with a blushing face and sweating palms, “I am REALLY nervous about this!” She took my hands in her hands, looking me in the eyes and told me something about being strong, powerful, and completely capable of doing this. “Okay,” I thought, “I will totally rely on YOUR FAITH in me right now and go for it.”

img_0508I focused on kicking in my imaginary glass window like a ninja and looking at the bar where my hands were supposed to go and fling it overhead. I DID IT? I did it!!!

There is one thought process that developed at some point in my mid-20’s. Anything that involves my body doing new movements calls forth this complete lack of confidence. Adam started as my coach before becoming my boyfriend and every class (maybe it wasn’t EVERY one but it felt like it!) he had to encourage me to go harder, add more weight, do the lift. Especially with olympic lifts that are new to me, I air on the side of light or modified thinking that’s all I’m capable of. In parkour this week, I repeated the modified versions until Nicole told me I could move on. With this I got butterflies in my stomach and just had to go for it trusting that I COULD do it.


Nicole is AMAZING!

Just because I’m a fitness professional, I am strong, I am powerful, doesn’t mean I don’t doubt in my abilities. Maybe it’s for fear of injury in my older age or protecting my temperamental knees and tennis elbow. Whatever it may be, change has happened now. I AM capable of climbing and under barring and pushing through fear to TRUST what my body knows. A message I wholly support for all humans, especially pregnant women coming up to labor. Trusting that your body can DO it is the battle. So how do you feel more confident? You MOVE and do things that build your confidence in your bodies abilities to accomplish hard work. This hard work comes from strength training, conditioning, mobility work. 

When was the last time you did something with your body that made you NERVOUS? When you thought, “Can I REALLYY do this?” And then, YOU DID?!

With the full moon in Pisces and this weeks confidence boosts in the body-love/appreciation department, my spirit is re-energized. Moving, business, travel isn’t looking so overwhelmingly daunting. I fucking got this. 😀