Fat Diggity Bombs

11813430_1109160552446724_3054536731085695588_n11794310_10100181086703087_6048801300707341360_oMy friend and client Mary shared this very simple recipe with me to create these ‘fat bombs’! If you google ‘fat bomb’ you’ll find loads of keto and atkins recipes for these satisfying lil bombs of goodness!

Original Recipe: (my variation is below)

3/4 C coconut butter (coconut manna)
1/4 C coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp maple syrup or raw honey (get some of my parents local – Penfield raw honey at the BBA studio!)

My Keto Recipe:

1/2 C Kerrygold Butter
1/4 C coconut oil
1/4 C coconut butter (coconut manna)
5 drops Vanilla Stevia
1 tsp vanilla extract
1-2 tsp ground cinnamon

1. Mix all ingredients together in food processor or mixer.
2. Use spatula to scrape all sides and scoop mixture into a zip lock bag. If it’s runny, place bag in fridge for 5-10 minutes until it firms up.
3. Line cookie sheet, that will fit in your fridge, with wax or parchment paper. Cut one corner of the zip lock bag. Squeeze little dollops onto the trays.
4. Place trays in fridge to set up. Once firm, you can place ‘bombs’ in glass jars and keep in fridge. Enjoy!

The beautiful thing about this recipe is that you can add whatever flavors you want to the fat. I’ve heard people use peppermint essential oil instead of cinnamon. I’ve seen where you swirl cocoa into the bag so the ‘bombs’ come out all pretty! Let your mind go wild! 🙂

These days I’ve been feeling really terrific. Ensuring I get a lot of fat makes a huge difference. But I’ve also noticed a couple other things that have impacted how I feel. The products below are part of my IMG_1801daily routine that has helped me achieve a better sense of balance and overall feelings of greatness.

The one I haven’t blogged about is the Crio Bru. This stuff is EXCELLENT! I have been telling everyone I know about it and shared a couple posts on Instagram. For the past week and a half I haven’t had any coffee, instead, I’ve replaced all my cups of joe with this. Totally different outcomes people! Not only am I drinking ‘hot chocolate’, it’s making me feel amaze-balls! The Maya flavor is by far my favorite. It’s got a kick of cayenne. Hot momma! I prefer to french press it for 14 minutes but you can put it in a coffee maker if you have a gold screen. The coolest part? You can compost the grounds, use them as a face scrub or add them to a smoothie for extra fiber and nutrition!

The second product is magnesium oil. Please educate yourself about the why and how of Magnesium and it’s affect on osteoporosis and a whole bunch of health issues we experience when it’s low. Then read the quick and dirty highlights about the powers of Magnesium here. I agree that it’s the missing link to A LOT of health issues we experience in our Western society.

Coupled with cocoa drink, these two products are game changers. Coffee isn’t the greatest thing for women and hormones. Magnesium is necessary for a bunch of things. Please, to be a healthier person go buy these products. To feel better instantly and be as a rockin’ woman, pregnant woman or mom, go to Abundance, buy magnesium oil and head to Wegman’s for Crio Bru.


Mucho love,

