New Mom + Weak Core = Recipe for Disaster

This morning I brought baby Feather Rose to the Fox Rochester news room for an on air appearance on Good Day Rochester with Jennifer Johnson! We talked with Jennifer about proper lifting form for new moms to prevent back injuries and strains.

Why? Moms suffer at a ridiculously high rate because they’re not made aware of bracing and form throughout pregnancy and postpartum. As your core stretches for 9ish months, the muscles become weaker. Once baby comes and now you’re lifting, bending, twisting, this work on weak (and tight) muscles causes strains and injuries because of imbalances and high force or tension.

Watch the video to learn more.

If you don’t know how to brace. pick things up properly and want to strengthen your core at home on a daily basis, which I HIGHLY recommend you download my Core Rehab and Strengthening Protocol for your sanity and health!

Moms who injure their back can’t perform daily tasks and usually need help from an outside source to get everything done. That’s how severe it is! Don’t fall victim to a weak core. Take the necessary steps to strengthen and heal! Together with a physical therapist and chiropractor, I’ve created these PDFs and videos because we see this ALL TOO OFTEN! Prevent injury and stress by strengthening your core the correct way now.