What 791 calories looks like

As I talk with more and more women, the idea of eating MORE fat is confusing because we’ve been told for generations, ‘fat is bad’. I’ve put hours of research into diets of higher fat, lower carbohydrate and their affects on the human body, particularly women’s bodies. There has been hundreds of scientific research papers published on women who consume higher fat, moderate protein, lower carbohydrate diets. From increased fertility to fighting cancer, lower carbohydrate diets starve the body of inflammation and disease.

Now, putting this science to day to day use IS confusing because big corporations have muddied the eating atmosphere. They use marketing to fool us into thinking we need to be eating their packaged foods to get adequate nutrition. If you see a commercial, a coupon or ad for it, you probably shouldn’t buy it! Whole foods, the ones that are great for us, don’t have money to advertise.

Big corporations and the government with it’s ‘food plate’ has led Americans down the wrong path. Look at us! Most are over weight, tired, chronically stressed, malnourished, allergy-ridden, acne prone, infertile and diseased! Why? Because our bodies don’t have what it takes to balance out! Our immune systems are shot from all the carbohydrates aka glucose. We don’t stop eating sugar to get enough of the better, nutrient-dense food in, on a consistent basis so our bodies can’t do their job of keeping up with our daily grind!

It stops now. Are you tired? Over weight? Infertile? Pregnant? Stressed? Working out? Pre-menopausal? What’s it going to take for you to put your health first? When is your body going to break down so badly that it gets your attention? Why wait for that? Why wait for bad news?

I’m giving you the answers! Keep it simple. Our ancestors didn’t have Wegman’s or Target. Think. They had farms, wild fruits and animals. That’s how we’ve been eating for 1000’s of years! It’s how we thrive!

Keep it simple. Lots of vegetables, moderate protein, lots of fat and low carbohydrates. Remember, our ancestors didn’t have bountiful access to rising yeast, stone ground grains, ovens. They didn’t have candy bars, donuts or fast food.

It was simple. Whole foods, all the time.

Unprocessed. Straight from the Earth.

In our modern day, we look for the same. As close as possible to whole, unprocessed, from the Earth.

Take a look at my dinner: ground beef seasoned with Stuart’s Spices Burger Blast (love love this place!)  wrapped in bacon, avocado, home made ketchup (SO much better than regular ketchup!) and full fat sour cream. IMG_7497IMG_7498

Everything follows my rules except the sour cream. I’ll give you that. Dairy products are more processed. Always buy organic, full fat dairy products.

This meal was higher in carbohydrates from the avocado and home made ketchup because I played soccer tonight. Usually I wouldn’t eat this many carbohydrates in one meal on the keto diet but I used a lot of muscle glucose tonight so I replenished my stores.

I was full, happy and satisfied with this! I still have 2 bacon burgers left over for tomorrow. You can easily make more than one pound of ground protein to serve more family members or have more left over!

On non-exercise nights, instead of avocados I would have had a salad with cut up raw vegetables. I am going to talk more about this concept in part 2 because increasing and decreasing carbohydrates confuses people and confusion stops here! Stay tuned!


Mucho lovin’

