Fear of Exercising during Pregnancy?

Fear of Exercising during Pregnancy?

WebMD recently posted an article on the fact that many women fear exercise during pregnancy. The doctor’s found it astonishing...



It’s always nice to achieve something no matter how big or small. I, Colleen, found out that I passed my...

Body types & what it means when planning exercise

Body types & what it means when planning exercise

If you haven’t started getting ready for tank tops and bathing suits, don’t fret! Here are some guidelines for getting...

14 Sugar Facts – Not so Sweet.

14 Sugar Facts – Not so Sweet.

This picture says a lot. A LOT. If this doesn’t scare you into decreasing you or your family’s sugar consumption,...

Why I’m passionate about Moms & Preventative Care

Why I’m passionate about Moms & Preventative Care

It’s a battle I signed up for, was willing to fight and continue to show up for daily- educating the...

The Summer Colors

The Summer Colors

Staying up on high fashion/runways is not one of my daily rituals – but athletic fashion? OBSESSED. I love where...

When is the best time for a pregnancy massage?

When is the best time for a pregnancy massage?

“My wife is 7 months pregnant. Is it too late for her to get a pregnancy massage?” “I am still...

Lifting heavy weights will not give you bulky muscles

Lifting heavy weights will not give you bulky muscles

It’s still a mental road block for most women that lifting heavy will give them big, bulky muscles. That’s probably...

Baby, I’m Changing! :: Pregnancy Weight Gain

Baby, I’m Changing! :: Pregnancy Weight Gain

At no other time in life is optimum nutrition status more important than during pregnancy. Hello and congratulations mommies-to-be!  My...

Dear Women Everywhere,

Dear Women Everywhere,

I’m here to proclaim this: It is scientifically researched, time and time again, that exercising while pregnant does nothing but...

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