Day 8 – So much more than just Pregnancy Massage

Day 8 – So much more than just Pregnancy Massage

Receiving a massage is vitally important these days. The opportunity to break free from the chaos, to listen to your...

Day 5 – Extreme Lumbar Curvature

Day 5 – Extreme Lumbar Curvature

Preventing extreme lumbar curvature is as simple as contracting the abs and tucking the tailbone under. Lower back pain is...

Lifting heavy weights will not give you bulky muscles

Lifting heavy weights will not give you bulky muscles

It’s still a mental road block for most women that lifting heavy will give them big, bulky muscles. That’s probably...

Baby, I’m Changing! :: Pregnancy Weight Gain

Baby, I’m Changing! :: Pregnancy Weight Gain

At no other time in life is optimum nutrition status more important than during pregnancy. Hello and congratulations mommies-to-be!  My...

Dear Women Everywhere,

Dear Women Everywhere,

I’m here to proclaim this: It is scientifically researched, time and time again, that exercising while pregnant does nothing but...

Pretty (& Athletic) Pregnancy Apparel

Pretty (& Athletic) Pregnancy Apparel

Look here! Old Navy/Gap has maternity wear sorted by trimester and post pregnancy! And it looks comfy as heck! Not to...

Bottle Feeding? Post Pregnancy Pound Dropping Tips

Bottle Feeding? Post Pregnancy Pound Dropping Tips

Losing the weight you gained in 9 months is going to take time, healthy decisions, and patience. It took you...