Day 14 – Physical Activity = Good Stress

Day 14 – Physical Activity = Good Stress

“Exercise should be a stress relieving not a stress provoking activity.” I believe that statement is easier said then done! ...

Day 4 – inferior vena cava compression

Day 4 – inferior vena cava compression

If you end up cutting off circulation by laying on your back after the first trimester, rolling to either side...

Day 3 – fetus happy to be exercising!

Day 3 – fetus happy to be exercising!

Studies found that fetuses were ‘quiet’ right after cessation of exercise but actually increased in activity 20 minutes post-exercise compared...

Day 2 – judge your workout by the ‘talk test’

Day 2 – judge your workout by the ‘talk test’

ACOG no longer recommends a specific target heart rate to maintain while exercising. Moderate exercise is recommended and performing the...