Lift Weights & Get Community

Lift Weights & Get Community

Navigating the pregnancy and birth world can be overwhelming. There’s tons of conflicting information and you never know what is going...

Day 23 – No. You will not starve your fetus of blood during exercise.

Day 23 – No. You will not starve your fetus of blood during exercise.

Women who exercise through pregnancy have increased red cells, plasma volumes, and total blood volumes upwards of 45%. This means...

Day 20 – Laying on your back

Day 20 – Laying on your back

Avoid laying on your back after the 1st trimester. Laying in supine causes the uterus to compress the inferior vena...

Day 19 – Commitment

Day 19 – Commitment

80% of women exercising in their 1st trimester are still exercising in their 3rd! I recommend you set expectations for...

Day 17 – Exercise improves insulin sensitivity, even during pregnancy.

Day 17 – Exercise improves insulin sensitivity, even during pregnancy.

Exercise improves insulin sensitivity. It continues to do the same by helping prevent gestational diabetes during pregnancy. “Leptin and insulin...

Day 15 – Booty Bridges

Day 15 – Booty Bridges

Glute Bridges are low impact movements to increase glute & hamstring strength! If you sit all day your posterior muscles...

Day 14 – Physical Activity = Good Stress

Day 14 – Physical Activity = Good Stress

“Exercise should be a stress relieving not a stress provoking activity.” I believe that statement is easier said then done! ...

Day 5 – Extreme Lumbar Curvature

Day 5 – Extreme Lumbar Curvature

Preventing extreme lumbar curvature is as simple as contracting the abs and tucking the tailbone under. Lower back pain is...

Day 4 – inferior vena cava compression

Day 4 – inferior vena cava compression

If you end up cutting off circulation by laying on your back after the first trimester, rolling to either side...

Day 3 – fetus happy to be exercising!

Day 3 – fetus happy to be exercising!

Studies found that fetuses were ‘quiet’ right after cessation of exercise but actually increased in activity 20 minutes post-exercise compared...

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