Is your subconscious working against you?

Many people don’t realize that their subconscious is making 97% of their decisions. Only 3% of decisions are conscious thought.

Whoa. Hold on. That’s a BIG percentage of decisions being made without our conscious choosing. Simply put, these are our habits and our comfortable zone, what we’ve experienced and learned, stories we tell ourselves.

If you take a look at the devastating number of over weight and obese people in our country, you can bet their 97%, unconscious decisions are based on level of self worth, story about how hard it is to lose weight, story about how ‘they can never be healthy’, comfortable habits, eating to mask/mend, not valuable enough, simplicity of doing the same thing/routine, and so so much more.

My biggest concern for women is that it is ingrained in us, from thousands of years of evolution, to be the care takers. We sacrifice our bodies to care for the family. We sacrifice our mental, emotional, and physical well-being to make sure everyone else is happy. That’s some STRONG 97%. So what I’m running into is when women are asked to invest in themselves by becoming a client, I get no, even though they have these amazing goals, pain they want relieved, referral from their doctor, ways they want to feel through out pregnancy into motherhood. Ways of living that make you jump for joy they’re so fabulous! Yet….they say no. Their CONSCIOUS is saying all these amazing things and their SUBCONCIOUS is keeping them in their old, “safe”, ways/stories (not worth it, it’ll never work for me, don’t have time, don’t have the money, too fat, too out of shape).

Raise your hand if you’ve ever invested a large sum of money in yourself? College? You took that leap for higher education because you wanted to set yourself apart, feel educated/knowledgeable, look enticing for future employers. Higher education is supposed to lead to jobs which lead to paychecks and a way of living. It’s a stepping stone. Just like everything else in life, you might not see the reward right away because it’s a stepping stone to how you want to feel/act in the future.

Daily exercise and eating right are stepping stones. If everyone who ate a donate suddenly went up a pant size, we’d all avoid donuts! But that doesn’t happen. Slowly, after daily donuts, your body changes and your pant size goes up a year from now as you add on pounds.

How is your subconscious sabotaging your healthy endeavors? What is it saying?
What is YOUR story that you tell yourself?
What are some habits you can see that keep you stuck where you are?

A great gem from the amazingly inspiring Marie Forleo inspired this post today because so many women are stuck not valuing themselves and consciously saying YES. We restrict ourselves from feeling strong, happy, energized, WORTHY and we might not know it! It’s part of that 97% which we need to stop and identify. Watch this video and start implementing the steps. See what happens when you change your mind to change your mind. 🙂


Dedicated to your happiness,

