So. Many. Carbs.

This weekend was a busy, fun, carb loaded extravaganza! Lots of pictures below showcasing it all! I started my 4th with a rockin’ bachelorette workout at Cobbs Hill for 6 amazing women! It was a blast creating a workout that was a little silly, a lot sweaty!

I then joined Adam and his family at Webster park for their annual 4th celebration where I ate, for me, soooo many carbohydrates! In reality, I had about 1 cup of home made baked beans and 2 decent sized servings of home made carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, MY FAVORITE! I did not drink any beer, no carbs there. I had 1.5 drinks of tonic with tequila and lime. Not pleasant, hence only 1.5 cups. :/ It was a day filled with friends and fitness! At the picnic we played keep it up with a beach ball, frisbee with 3 discs, Adam climbed a tree and lots of laughing!

I’ll admit, I was nervous about the carb loading because I haven’t eaten to that extreme before! That night though, my belly was so bloated, I did not enjoy that part. My body is definitely not used to all that gluten and sugar! On Sunday, I was back at Cobbs Hill for my own workout. I did 11 hill sprints with 40 seconds on rest in between. That sure used up all the glucose chillin’ in my blood steam!

Monday morning brought another great interview with Jennifer Johnson, Carole Nier, Sarah Tirimacco and myself about the upcoming wellness series we’re hosting at the BBA studio. You can purchase tickets here, $30 for all 5 or $10 per. Sign up here and find out more under Events on the BBA facebook page. We’re covering all aspects of living a healthy life! That’s why all 3 of us experts have come together! We know you deserve accurate, up-to-date research in a world of contradictory information. Join us! We can’t wait to support you!

Lastly, a new client posted this lovely message that I had to share because it reinforces how much I love what I do! I have the most brilliant, strong clients!

Back to program design! Mucho love,
