Why Supplements Should Be Specific

If you’re taking a supplement because your friend recommended it or you saw the ad in a magazine, reconsider. You could be doing more damage than good. And you could also be wasting a lot of money.

Pick high quality, correctly processed, non-GMO products.

Just like food, it should come without chemicals or GMOs. Because it’s coming in a powder or liquid form, you also want to make sure it’s correctly processed so it’s retaining as much nutrition as possible. Do your research. Is it cold-pressed, steam-pressed? These methods can make a difference.

Do not supplement because you’re lazy.

I very seldom recommend food replacement items like shakes and bars. They should only be used in extreme cases. For example, if a woman is suffering morning sickness and can’t hold anything down. At that point, it’s something or nothing. I always encourage something. The shakes and bars should be high quality, correctly processed, non-GMO products.


As I continue to heal my body of PCOS, remain energized and active, protect both of my knees which underwent ACL reconstruction at 16 and 17 years of age, and reach my 1 year anniversary of being on a ketogenic diet, I’ve discovered a few specific super foods that help me feel fantastic. Based on the benefits, these 5 are extremely to beneficial to both men and women.

If you’re going to spend the money to purchase and consume high quality superfoods, make sure they’re going to be of benefit to your specific needs. Consult with a functional medicine doctor who can look at what you have going on and help you find what will serve you the most effectively.
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Barley Grass (not pictured)

Health benefits of barley grass include relief from ulcerative colitis, prevention and treatment of cancer, strengthening of immune system, cleansing and detoxification of the body, protection from radiation and cellular damage, ability to fight addiction and regenerate damaged cells and tissues. It maintains healthy skin, acid-alkali balance, contributes in the bone metabolism, promotes agility and exerts rejuvenating effects on the entire body.

Barley is a multi-nutrient rich super food loaded with vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (alpha- tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone). It contains an abundance of electrolytes such as magnesium, phosphorous and potassium along with other essential minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium. Barley grass is also a rich provider of powerful antioxidants and essential amino acids and beneficial enzymes. Barley grass supplies the valuable fiber to the body and does not offer any harmful cholesterol.

Maca Powder

Maca is a South American root, similar to ginseng, known for its balancing effects on the endocrine glands. Maca is rich
in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids.
Superfood benefits to all people and safe for use during pregnancy, maca provides amazing support for hormones, helping to balance mood as well as assist in muscle development, fatigue and overall fetal growth.


From Ancient Minerals:

Magnesium is one of the six essential macro-minerals that comprise 99% of the body’s mineral content. Magnesium helps build bones, enables nerves to function, and is essential to the production of energy from food.

Magnesium has been shown to have therapeutic value in treating conditions such as headaches, chronic pain, asthma, and sleep disorders. And in recent large scale study, magnesium has been linked to a reduced incidence of conditions such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes

According to the National Institutes of Health:

“Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.”4


Instead of being metabolized through the digestion process like other fats are, MCTs are taken straight to the liver where they act very similar to carbohydrates, providing instant — and well sustained — energy. But it’s not just the energy you get that’s interesting. MCTs improve immune functioning, blood sugar regulation(yay!), improve metabolism (especially fat metabolism), may improve thyroid function,improve appetite regulation, and are used to treat many ailments (Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, seizures, cystic fibrosis, etc.). As far as brain function goes, MCT oil is like rocket fuel because it enhances ketone production. Ketones, of course, are a more efficient fuel for your brain.

Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides (my new favorite!!)

Hydrolyzed Collagen is unique in its amino acid structure because of its high amounts of glycine, lysine and proline, which are found in lower amounts in other protein food supplements. These particular amino acids are found to generate cell growth much quicker because the natural ability to produce supporting amounts of connective tissue diminishes after the age of 25. Hydrolyzed Collagen is more easily digested because of its low molecular weight and is absorbed within 30 minutes. All of the amino acids collectively are beneficial to cell reproduction, but it is the distinctive spectrum of this product that impacts the metabolic pathways to healthy tissue.

Hydrolyzed Collagen is beneficial in replacing the synovial fluids between the joints and secondly, to repair and build cartilage weakened by overuse through impact and stress. Our bodies are made up of 30% collagen of which 70% of these proteins are connective tissue made of collagen.

Hydrolyzed Collagen is the missing link in supplying amino acids like glycine, proline and lysine that are required by the body to build connective tissue to regulate cell growth. It will benefit hair, skin tissue, muscle, cartilage, ligaments and blood cell growth. Some doctors are referring to this product as the new anti-aging product of the century.