Your Self-Worth is Affecting Your Child’s Health
How much do you respect your body?
How much do you respect your child’s body?
Your level of self-worth trickles down to the respect you have for the baby in your belly, the kids you’re caring for. All moms want to have healthy kids BUT what are they actually DOING to ensure their health?
I see moms who still smoke while pregnant. I hear of women who drink Mountain Dew and eat Taco Bell daily. I don’t see many pregnant women or moms strength training.
If you don’t respect your body, how can you possibly expect to have healthy kids? Your body does the best job it can to grow a human and then feed that new babe. But it’s not optimal. It’s not the BEST because it’s trying to process all the fake nutrients, carcinogens, stress hormones you’re feeding it.
When women have respect for their bodies, they eat nutritiously, move their bodies, manage stress. Their main concern is creating an optimal environment for growing their child. Self-worth is reflected in choices.
When you say, “I don’t have time” you’re really saying, “Other things are more important than my self-care.”
We all have the same amount of hours so how can one woman get in exercise and the other not? Priority. The exercising woman values her body and self at a higher degree that the other. We all make choices that reflect our self-worth.
As a mom, you need YOU TIME. To put your kids above yourself and partner is the worst thing you can do emotionally, mentally and physically for everyone. You’ll get run down, feel miserable, struggle in your relationship and more. People who exercise regularly demonstrate great habits of self care to their kids. It shows kids that we all need our own time doing things that make us feel joyful, strong, confident, empowered.
You time doesn’t make you a bad mom. It makes some of my clients feel guilty or sad when in reality, your kid is not going to die in the hour you take to strength train. It’s not in the middle of the woods. It’s home safe or being watched by someone who can attend to their needs as you attend to yours.
You’ll feel better after a training session for a multitude of reasons and you’ll be able to be your greatest self because of your choice to respect that amazing bod of yours!
So, what are you choosing to do to show yourself more respect?