Reaching parents around town, around the globe.

The internet has dramatically changed what a business can do and who it can reach. Not only are products shipped around the world, so are services!

At this time, Colleen is available for consulting, questions, and training via Hangpay, a website that uses Google Hangouts and a payment interface.

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By clicking the banner above, you’ll be taken to my page. The price currently is $1/minute and as a client, you purchase your minutes before your hangout.

Do you know a woman in Rochester or Wyoming that could use Colleen’s services but can’t get out of the house or simply lives to far away? Well distance doesn’t matter anymore! Share this post or the link above!

As for classes, we’re going to use google hangouts which can hold up to 10 webcams/people/couples for our wellness and series classes to start. Take for example our birth classes. Couples can attend from anywhere and still interact with not only the teacher, but all other participants as well! Because it’s a live feed, not a recording. How freakin’ awesome is that?!

Not being able to find a sitter will be a thing of the past.