
FullSizeRender Hallelujah! Finallyyyy!

We’ve been doing a pretty great job celebrating the badass women amongst us, and now it’s time to kick it up a notch.

With the release of my new brand, Prokreate, I feel like I’m finally stepping into my voice, my target market, my fierceness when I address a group of pregnant women and moms who know they’re badass or want to cultivate that badassery with some help. With Prokreate, I feel like I’m fully stepping into my power to best serve your power.

My fantastic logo was designed by the very talented Dylan Tate (instagram/facebook), of Love Hate Tattoo in Rochester NY. Gabby P. helped me bring my full logo to life. Thank you to them, they are amazing artists!!

The reason I chose a lioness is because she is my totem Prokreate_logo2animal. Everything a lion/lioness has represented across cultures is how I feel energized, robust, pumped up, connected, empowered each day. Most people think ‘courage’ when they hear ‘lion’. Yes! I want women to feel courageous with me and through this brand. You are courageous. We are courageous together. We are together, warriors in a pride, PROUD.

‘Prokreate’ was a word I’ve been marinating on for the past 4 years. It was too bold for me back when I first started my business. I wasn’t the coach, the woman, I am today. Paired with my lioness, it felt electric. The upside down triangle is the symbol for feminine. To procreate is divinely feminine.

Femininity means something different to each woman. In my conversations, I have found many active women lack the characteristics of feminine, which our society has so readily pushed down as weaknesses. When in fact, harnessing our feminine qualities makes us women powerful than we ever imagined. I want to create space for the balancing of feminine and masculine in women who are wickedly athletic. What does it mean to balance these two energies and what can you achieve when you do so? It’s fucking fantastic! I know because I’ve experienced it first hand.

A lot more is coming from Prokreate than just a sweet logo, the Coach and Women Guides, and CEU courses. This brand is about living outside the box to push our boundaries to fully experience life. I don’t settle for mediocre, because it’s boring. And neither should you. I desire to support your journey to feel completely yourself, in-control, passionate, healthy, spiritual, joyful, loved, content, awesome. I hope you continue to follow us along on this adventure of badassery and we inspire you too.

I’m going to leave you with the words of Brendon Burchard from his book, The Motivation Manifesto, on what it means to be a warrior. Let it fire your engines like it did mine. Come on, let’s create the life we deserve!

Should we sit in our homes and find life wanting, then we must stand and venture out to fight purposefully for something more. We must be bold, fierce, and unrelenting in chasing our dreams. We must push aside our fears, struggle with conviction, battle through all obstacles. We must want to win, to bring back treasures and glory to our homes, to leave nothing on the battlefields of life but the legend of our courage and might.

 We will have made nothing of ourselves or created anything significant unless we prepare for the long and arduous journey to mastery. What skills must we have to win our next battles? Let us acquire them now. What tools and resources will we need? Let us ready them now. Who will we need to march with us so that we can have camaraderie and support in taking the next mountain? Let us seek to meet and enlist them now. What must we sacrifice in order to ascend even higher? Let us sacrifice it now before it weighs us down on the journey.

Owning the role of warrior requires us to take stock of all the things we are deeply committed to in life. The warrior asks, “What will I stand for in life? How will I bring honor and abundance to my loved ones? What adventures will make me feel alive? What do I want and how hard am I prepared to fight for it?”

This matter of hard work reveals whether we are the cowards or warriors of this world. Perhaps it is time we step back from all our busywork and think again about our greater dreams and glory. Let us be honest and brave in assessing our lives, asking, “how hard am I really working toward my dream? Am I letting little obstacles stop by progress, or am I battling through them on a consistent basis? Am I doing what I must to prepare my mind, body, and soul for victory? Am I acting with real conviction and commitment in life, or simply trudging through? Have I struggled to succeed in any area of my life because I’ve failed to sacrifice or commit?”

If we have real dreams, then we must fight for them. For the sake of our soul and our families, we must adopt that warrior spirit that is hungry, ambitious, and courageous.

The essence of the warrior spirit is readiness – a bias toward action.

Warriors do not waste time in making decisions. There is little hesitation, hemming, hawing, or hedging. Warriors do not await perfect circumstances to being the long march to victory; they do not stop when tired or frightened; they do not shy away from a needed fight; they do not apologize for boldness or strength.

No, when there is a conquest, when they see fortune in lands on the horizon, they set out, they march, they march, and they march. On their path, they have gravity about them, seriousness, a commitment, a strong center. They are solid no matter how much turmoil and uncertainty lurks beneath. Their fire, will, and discipline are uncommon, sometimes causing others to fear their ambition, and yet always they earn respect for their courage. “There they go,” the watchers on the sideline of life say. “That person is a fighter and will not give up.”

So what is it that we are fighting for? To real warriors, this is a burning question, something deeply contemplated. Warriors take pride and dignity from their answers to such a question. Their commitments are important to them, and every small victory toward those commitments is logged, celebrated, integrated into their identity, shared joyously with their tribe of fellow strivers. They are full aware of the fact they are warriors and creating a warrior ethos, a legend as a fighter for things both important to themselves and also grander and more significant than themselves. They are giving their lives to something that matters.

To become stronger warriors, we must stop all the hesitations and excuses. We must commit to fighting harder and longer toward our dreams. So let us write down all the things we’ve been waiting to do, along with all our excuses for not doing them. Let us contemplate where we are being weak in our lives or progressing too slowly. Then let us get recommitted and decide that tomorrow, no matter what, we will march with courage toward our dreams regardless of the obstacles in our way. Let us be obsessive and fierce about our progress once more. Warriors are stubborn and strict, clear about what they fight for and committed to every discipline required to win the next battle. For the fate of our dreams and for the security and abundance of our families, let our character be so solid.