Choose a Pre/Post Natal Trainer vs. Chain Gym Trainer

I interviewed with a potential client who was brought to tears when answering the questions I was asking her. I ask the good reflection questions. As in, “when’s the last time you did something PURELY for yourself?” or “How will your pregnancy/labor/motherhood change if you felt physically and mentally stronger, more capable, confident?” These are very emotionally charged questions especially if you haven’t ever been asked them or maybe you avoid them because you fear what will come up. Take a moment to ponder these two. Write them down if that’s helpful. And don’t be afraid to let the tears/emotions flow. Release it. Then write down what you want.

This client also informed me she was interviewing a personal trainer who was also a pre/post natal exercise specialist at a local franchised gym. Great! I love that it’s becoming more of the norm that pregnant women should be exercising and moving with purpose. She called me a few days later saying that the trainer she met with at the franchise gym didn’t ask nearly as ‘good’ questions as I did and talked about calorie restriction. Ugh. So this trainer wasn’t sounding as hopeful as I thought. Caloric restriction during pregnancy? Or post partum? Did they not listen that this client wants to breastfeed and that requires an INCREASE in calories?

This woman became my client because I ask what she needed. I ask reflection questions. I show tough love for your best interest because we’re not going to get anywhere if we don’t peel back some layers to expose what’s really going on. Because no matter what, you can’t hide from your body and mind when you’re exercising. Poop will ALWAYS hit the fan when you start moving if you haven’t confronted it. And guess what? I LOVE it. I WELCOME it. Let it out. Let it flow. Come to terms with your past, your thoughts, that voice. I’m here to support YOUR journey – raw, rough, messy, tear filled, challenging. I’m here.

*Note: I know a handful of AMAZING trainers that take great care when training pregnant women and moms. Its these trainers I will trust when I get pregnant because they are incredibly smart. With that said, it’s only a handful within the 100’s out there coaching in gyms who only require the minimum personal training certification to be hired.


Top 5 Reasons to Choose a Pre/Post Natal Strength Coach


1. Are they certified to train pregnant women or new moms?

This is important because there are certain modifications that need to be made to keep you and baby safe. If they aren’t certified or taken Continuing Education Units for pre/post partum training, they probably have NO IDEA how to coach you as your body changes. Forget it if you have diastasis or a c-section.

2. They don’t want to ‘deal’ with pregnant women and new moms.

I’ve heard before, “they’re too emotional. No thank you.” If they knew ANYTHING about pregnant women and new moms, they would understand why they’re emotional and show some compassion. Also, 100% of my clients leave training sessions happier and more energized no matter how they walked in the door (frazzled, exhausted, stressed, bloated, gassy, forgetful).

3. Their world is full of caloric restriction, drop sets, max weights, supplements, high aerobic HIIT training. 

These types of training are perfectly normal ways to reach goals….for the non-pregnant, non-breast feeding client. Unless you’re an advanced athlete who knows how much to push your body, something like max weight training aren’t applicable to the average pregnant woman. As a pregnant woman, your goals different from a breast feeding woman whose goals differ from a woman 12 months post partum. You want challenges that make you feel good about yourself; ones that aren’t too hard that make you feel incapable while ones that are too easy insult the strength you DO have!

4. They’re more concerned about you progressively lifting heavier weight then they are your mental and physical well being. 

As trainers, we LOVE seeing progress! Most of the time the increased weight you’re throwing around is the best indicator! When you’re pregnant, a new mom, or a beginner, those wins come in other ways. Yes, my clients continuously feel comfortable moving heavier weight because they’re stronger and have better form. But I LOVE hearing when clients say they can sit up without strain, squat without assistance to pick something up, balance on one leg to put on their shoes/socks, go up and down stairs without holding the hand rail, and more! Progress comes when you are functioning better in your daily life, not just in the gym.

5. Their time with you is usually focused on the workout at hand. It’s not their job to recommend other resources.

One of my favorite parts of my job is connecting women to the many different resources and women I have in my back pocket that will help them be more educated, happier, and healthier. Need a breast feeding consultant? Dianne Cassidy. What about a golden hour/post birth class? Adriana Lozada. Integrative wellness coach? Dawn St. Martin. Personal/Business Branding? Michelle Roberts. A soul retreat you can do at home in a weekend? Hilarie Dahl. Great website for chia seeds/super foods? Swanson Online. Relief for constipation/hemorrhoids? Squatty Potty. 😉 I love helping you in all areas that you want help in. Just ask.