Day 6 – Practicing Yoga during Pregnancy

Here a couple tips from my dear friend and prenatal yoga instructor Kara Karaoguz of New Moon Healing!

Gentle back bending may be a welcome relief to open the front body.  Again, you are the best guide. Lovingly honor your resistance.

Enlist supports to ensure your comfort during relaxation, which can be done on your back (only if you are still comfortable there), resting in a side-laying position (left side-laying provides more blood flow to uterus whereas right side-laying is energetically more calming to Mama), in a supported reclined position such as Supta Baddha Konasana or any variation of Viparita Karani. (This supports Day 4’s post!)

Above all, trust yourself and move at a pace that works for you.  Invite spontaneous movement into your practice.  During labor, your body will want to move in ways that are instinctive.  The practice of yoga is a wonderful way to visit & explore different moves.

Amazingly helpful tips from Kara! Thank you!

Remember, you can pull yoga moves out anywhere, not just during class. Stretch & move as much as possible through out the day to keep your body relaxed and strong.