Day 5 – Eradicating PCOS Symptoms
Honestly in the back of my head I’m thinking, wow, I hope I didn’t F something up. Because I really have no idea how to tell!
Yesterday and today have been really good staying within all my macros (protein, fat and carbohydrates). Adam, my mom and I ate out at the Owl House (YUM!) but it was more frustrating than I thought it would be since they are a vegan/vegetarian/fresh food restaurant. I basically had to get a fancier version of what I eat every single day, multiple times a day: tons of greens with meat on top.
I ordered a classic burger (medium rare) with no bun and their full Savoryboy(?) salad on the side. It was delicious but I am so trained to ‘splurging’ when I go out to eat that it was hard to order something that I eat constantly. Ugh, where’s the fun in that?!
The past 2 days have a mental challenge than anything else. When ‘wants’ come up, I was getting more frustrated than normal about the things I’ve had to cut out. We’ve been watching hockey out at local bars because Adam doesn’t have cable and I can’t order my usual IPA. Haven’t been drinking Joe at the coffee shops while working. Can’t eat a delicious banana with PB. This strict beginning is to ensure my body goes into ketosis. Adam reassures me that when I’m in it, I’ll be able to add a little more variety. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, check out the first blog post here that talks more about why and what I’m doing.
Finally cracked today and made coffee at home to blend with butter, also called a Bulletproof Coffee. I didn’t poop yesterday and coffee makes me poop soooo, it was going down! Literally! Drinking coffee this way is FREAKIN’ delicious. It mades black coffee taste exponentially better. Try it if you haven’t. Use a blender (not a bullet or single serve mini blender) or Vitamix or emersion blender to blend hot coffee and a tablespoon of Kerrygold butter for about 30 seconds. Yum Yum Yum.
Now that I’m feeling more energized, I’m hoping to get back into working out more frequently. I don’t think I could emotionally add one more change to my lifestyle this past week without having a serious mental breakdown. Throwing my neck out of whack and having extremely limited range of motion and pain, to this new diet and new clients, physically and mentally I was taxed! Feel a lot better and ready to get back at it!
Do you have PCOS or fertility issues? What has your experiences been with what you want to achieve? I’m not necessarily looking to be fertile at the moment, I simply want to eradicate the symptoms so this is no longer an issue presently or long term.
Til next time! Mucho love,