It’s More. So Much More.

FullSizeRender (1) <–This. Big breath in of love. And humbleness. And abundance.

I own a studio filled with kettle bells and dumbbells and Core Hammers and tires to allow a population of women, who for most of their life and now during their quest to motherhood, have been told to ‘take it easy’.

This space is a safe, energizing, supportive space which teaches them how strong and resilient their bodies are. It’s an environment that pushes them lovingly outside their comfort zones to consciously understand just how much they are physically capable of.

Fuck what everyone is telling you about your body. Or how you should be feeling.

This studio is a space for you to feel what your body is, and visualize what it can be. Create the body you desire. Feel how you want to feel. Build the home for that future seed. Release the old stories holding you scared. Physically show fear that it no longer serves a purpose in your life. FullSizeRender_3

MOVE. Lift. Walk. Breathe heavy. Slam. Throw. Before you get pregnant. During pregnancy. After you become a mother. You can.

I help women get strong. I also help them flex their power muscles. Allow them to have a voice with a choice. What we do in the gym changes how my clients act/react/think/process in the rest of the their days. You pulled a tire? Well no one is going to tell you you can’t lift your groceries!


My purpose training moms-to-be was first and foremost about helping them feel the way I feel when I lift heavy weight; empowered. And for the women who’ve lifted heavy weight, you know this feeling. For the women who’ve run marathons or ultras, you know this feeling. It’s the feeling of doing something for you, that you never thought was possible. But you had to fight through the doubt to try just a little more, go a little further, EACH DAY, to reach a point of success. You also had to trust your body, trust your coaches, trust your instinct.

FullSizeRenderThis culmination of mental, spiritual, emotional, and lastly physical pieces is WHY I do what I do with such passion. Every woman is an athlete, heck, every human is an athlete. We are created to move, feel joy, be strong, fall down and get back up. Its the beliefs we have about ourselves that hold us back. And until we can realize them, ask for help, take that first step. We will forever be stuck in a world where women feel helpless, like their bodies have failed, that they are broken, c-sections keep rising, the sacredness disappears from pregnancy and motherhood, women serve others without serving themselves first.

While I am alive, I will bow down with unyielding robust worship to give opportunities to women to allow them to feel how fucking fierce they are meant to be.