Loving Selfishness


What if your only purpose right now was to take the greatest care of yourself? What if your purpose right now was to take the greatest care of the baby inside you? How would you view your daily tasks? How would this change what you put in your body? How would it change what you think?

Whittle it all down to simple. Even if it means subtraction. Don’t think about the calories or the steps you’ve taken. Think, “does this nourish me?” Apply this to everything in your life. Your environment, your commitments, your food, your activities. Are they nourishing you? Your baby?

Truth, you’ve only got one life. You’ll never get yesterday back. You don’t know what tomorrow holds. All you can do is control right now. And I’m asking you to make a choice that will influence your future self and leave your past self behind.

I’m asking you to get selfish. Selfish from a place of love. Loving selfishness. Selfish for your longevity and joy. Selfish for the health of your baby. Selfish for the health of your future children. Selfish for the relationships that light you up like a firecracker.

You know what you have to do, you just have to commit. What will help you take that step into the uncomfortable to better yourself? Is it a support system? Is it another person? Is it writing things down? What works for you?

What’s going to help you take the first selfish step? Ponder this, then take action. Nothing will happen unless DOING is involved.

Your 3 simple steps:

  1. What do you need to do?
  2. What will help you get selfish?
  3. And how will you DO it?

Go on! Conquer, breathe, expand into the #radlady I know you are. I believe in you. I’m supporting you, even if from a far, even if we’ve never met face to face. Fear a little less knowing that I will be here no matter what happens. Lean on. I’ve got you.