Increase your ratio of vegetables to pasta or rice

As I was preparing dinner – I realized an easy tip that I wanted to share. When preparing any meal, make an obnoxious amount of vegetables (you can always save extras) and plate more veggies than grains or pasta.

If you’re looking to drop some inches, decreasing wheat pasta intake is necessary. Also decrease breads, bagels, and chips. Consuming these along with sugary treats will cause your body to store unnecessary calories. These foods are stored in your body as excess fat.

Losing weight means cutting out food that isn’t ESSENTIAL to your body. Yes you can have a treat every so often – but no more donuts every breakfast or eating the whole bag of chips. Time to stock up on fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains (oatmeal, quinoa, rice), nuts, and beans.

Here is my inspiring dinner! Lots of onions, mushrooms, artichokes, and egg plant – probably 2 cups to 1 cup gluten free pasta with red sauce. Delic!

What inspires your meals?