Exercising with Baby – ooh the benefits!

BBA is adding two new classes to the schedule! Tot & Parent Fitness Fun and Babywear Fitness! Find out more here.
Happy family with fitness ball.


There are many benefits to exercising after you have given birth to your new baby. Getting back into shape may be one of your top priorities after giving birth but it can also benefit you and your baby! We all know the physical benefits of exercise- increased metabolism, weight loss, and muscle toning, but there are also important mental benefits for new mothers. By exercising, you can improve your mental state and reduce the chances of getting postpartum depression. Exercise lowers stress levels which is very beneficial for any new mother. We all know that having a newborn baby is very stressful especially when you aren’t getting enough sleep.



By exercising you can increase the amount of endorphins you release, reduce the chance of getting postpartum depression, and even getting a better night of sleep!

Babies can also benefit from exercise time too! Creating a bond between you and the baby is significant, and the time both of you spend together while you exercise is extremely beneficial. There are various ways to exercise with your baby that range from walking to jogging. In the first few months of your baby’s birth, one of the best ways to burn calories is by holding and carrying your baby. This also creates a sense of attachment within the baby towards mom.

One of the most important things to remember before starting to exercise is to make sure your body is ready for it. Be sure to clear it by your physician as well as your pediatrician. Staying healthy is far more important than getting back into shape so make sure you are cleared to exercise before you start any of the activities!

There are so many ways you can exercise with your baby! Try going for a walk with your little one in the stroller with you. Or go for a hike with your baby in a carrier with you! The both of you can enjoy the beautiful outdoors and cherish each others company. Even signing up for some mommy and me classes can be packed with tons of fun and exercise! Whatever the case, being active during this time can be beneficial for you and your little one so get creative and get moving! – Originally published at mommypage.com!