Day 12 – That Tight Piriformus Muscle!

Your piriformis muscle is involved in external hip rotation. If you are standing looking forward, it allows you to turn your leg to the outside. It also helps with moving your leg away from the midline of your body (abduction) and assists in lifting your leg behind you. There is also the stabilizing factor of the hip with weight-bearing activity, like being pregnant or working out.

The piriformis attaches at the sacrum, which is a wedge shaped bone that makes up part of the pelvis. The sacrum transmits the weight of the body to the pelvic girdle. The piriformis then passes through the girdle to connect to the top of the femur.

The responsibilities of this muscle is immense and it is constantly working. Especially during pregnancy as your body grows and Relaxin relaxes joints and ligaments, muscles still need to hold you together. The piriformis muscle is going to get worked! Tight muscles in the hip (pictured above) are going to result in feeling uncomfortable, a tight lower back, and a shorter stride length. During pregnancy, you want to do all that you can to avoid these things!


The simplest and safest way to stretch the piriformis is to face a wall and place one ankle above the other knee.

Then sit back into your glutes and feel the awesomeness!