CrossFit Open 17.4 Pregnancy and Postpartum Modifications
Workout CrossFit Open 17.4 WOD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups
Men deadlift 225 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Women deadlift 155 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. Target
Recommendations for timing:
Pregnant women and returning moms have a hard time with these highly aerobic, heart thumping workouts. Especially during a time when you need to be focused on mechanics for safety and proper core engagement. You can’t focus when you’re going at lightning speed! To proficiently move through with a steady pace, turn this into a circuit so you’re performing 15 of each movement 3 times and the final set 10s.
During Pregnancy – listen to your body and move at a comfortable pace FOR YOU. Take plenty of breathing breaks between sets.
Postpartum – pace yourself, focus on your core and breath, focus on movement patterns.
Recommendations for the movements:
Lighten the deadlifts, wall balls, rows for your athleticism and comfort level. If you’re feeling wiped out or fatigued, go lighter.
Deadlifts in 2nd and 3rd to accommodate baby bump, substitute regular deadlifts with wide stance, RDLs, or elevated.
Rowing for 2nd and 3rd trimesters – if uncomfortable, switch to bike, skiErg, or walk a treadmill
Handstand push ups in 1st – test for dizziness/nausea, decrease reps, substitute dumbbell thrusters, strict presses, push press, wide stance handstand push-up, feet elevated handstand push up
Handstand push ups in 2nd & 3rd – test for proficiency and comfort but I suggest avoiding. Substitute a challenging weight, usually moderate to moderately heavy dumbbells for thrusters, strict presses, push press, wide stance handstand push-up, feet elevated handstand push up.
Postpartum: lighten the loads and sub HSPU for one of the mentioned above movements.