Basic Exercise Recommendations Per Trimester

Basic Exercise Recommendations Per Trimester

In my research and real life application, it’s not so much what is ‘safe per trimester’ it’s more of a...

Electrolytes – They Charge Your Engine!

Electrolytes – They Charge Your Engine!

Why do I want to talk about electrolytes? Because we only think of them when we’re doing sports and we’re...

Breech Babes in Active Women

Breech Babes in Active Women

Breech babes, oh the frustration you cause. But no worries, there’s a lot of factors that go into why a...

3rd Trimester Exercises You Should Be Performing and Which to Avoid!

3rd Trimester Exercises You Should Be Performing and Which to Avoid!

Most modifications occur in the 3rd trimester because we’re training around a beautiful baby belly! If you are performing olympic-style...

CrossFit Open WOD 17.5 Pregnancy and Postpartum Recommendations

CrossFit Open WOD 17.5 Pregnancy and Postpartum Recommendations

Welcome to 90 thrusters!! Hooray! – Said no one ever. This 17.5 WOD is actually quite accommodating for pregnant ladies...

CrossFit Open 17.4 Pregnancy and Postpartum Modifications

CrossFit Open 17.4 Pregnancy and Postpartum Modifications

Workout CrossFit Open 17.4 WOD Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of: 55 deadlifts 55 wall-ball...

3/9/17 Research Review

3/9/17 Research Review

A Fit Pregnancy for a Fit Baby: Highlights in Research Coaches and women all over the world are training to...

CrossFit Open 17.3 Pregnancy and Mom Mods

CrossFit Open 17.3 Pregnancy and Mom Mods

OPEN 17.3 Prior to 8:00, complete: 3 rounds of: 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups 6 squat snatches, 65 lb. Then, 3 rounds...

CrossFit Open 17.2 Pregnancy & Postpartum Suggestions

CrossFit Open 17.2 Pregnancy & Postpartum Suggestions

  Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes: → sprint work is not a pregnant woman’s...

Postpartum Core & Hip Flexor/Chest Opener Stretch

Postpartum Core & Hip Flexor/Chest Opener Stretch

Grab a PVC, dowel, or broom stick to perform chest openers and hip flexor stretch with me! If you missed...

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