Building Your Health ‘Posse’
As I continually meet men and women, mostly women, at networking events and friends of friends I learn just how important it is to have a well rounded group of professionals to refer to or call upon in a moments notice. Not only professionally, but personally as well.
What do I mean? Personally, my close friend Rachel is a collegiate athletic trainer and sometimes I need her opinion on boyfriend issues and then “what do you think this clicking noise in my knee means”?
Professionally, I’ve begun surrounding myself with other powerful, goal oriented women who are blazing their own fiery trail here in Rochester. It feels oh-so-good to be able to call someone to bounce ideas off them or ask their opinion expecting to get an honest, no bull answer.
Bobbi who owns Body Work by Bobbi is a pregnancy massage therapist who is a trusted colleague and client of mine. She’s the person I know I can turn to when I have a professional dilemma or achievement and will not only congratulate me but ask me how I can keep thriving and growing. Yes. Keep forging ahead.
Diversity. It’s fabulous!
So… you see a doctor for a yearly check up?
Do you see a massage therapist on a weekly/monthly basis?
Do you workout regularly?
Do you get acupuncture?
See a chiropractor?
Do you do yoga?
What I’m getting at is that every human being on the face of the planet craves diversity. And if your mind doesn’t, your body does.
We all get stagnant. Stuck in the same routine.
So break out! And enjoy the body that serves you day after day.
The reason for having a diversified health ‘posse’? Let’s see. You go to work, watch kids, run, golf, workout, bike and your body takes a beating. Massage helps the body heal, relax, and reset. Working out makes you stronger, more in tune with your body, so that you can with stand pretty much anything life has thrown at you (physically & mentally). A chiropractor can relieve stress. Yoga strengthens by breathing and focus. As you can see, all these things (& more) are not only great for your body, but for your mind too. You can’t function properly with a clogged mind. These things help with that. You are able to make better decisions, think more clearly.
And you feel AWESOME! More energy, more positivity.
So think about your health ‘posse’ – who’s there, who shouldn’t be there (people that bring you down), and where do you need to fill in the gaps. Future You will thank Present You, that’s for certain!