Episode 1: Brittany Aae, Pregnant Ultra Runner

Happy Mother’s Day 2016! We wanted our first show be on a day that represents why we’re doing what we’re doing. We’re all about the mommas….and their families too! Our desires are to empower women so the roots of the family unit are strong and healthy.

We welcome to the show Brittany Aae! Our favorite quote from the podcast:

“I like to believe we right now have the opportunity to reimagine what it means to be a female athlete. We can reframe this from a series of symptoms. Pregnancy isn’t a symptomatic experience. We can reframe it to something that is respected. I am a physiological superhero.” YES! Aren’t you excited to listen now?!


Brittany is the owner of Magnetic North and is currently 38 weeks pregnant.

my journey is not linear.

I’ve been a sponsored mountain runner, an ethnographic researcher, a too-tall ballerina, an earnest alpine climber, a world health professional, and climbing ranger on Mount Rainier. Five times I’ve worked hard at my (other) career in global health before releasing it for a climbing trip to the Himalayas, the Andes, Mexican Volcanos, Japanese Alps, Canadian Rockies, or simply to dig deeper into my local environment, to digest all that I have gathered. along the way I’ve learned that power does not live inside a building.

together with experiences of intense oneness in the alpine, feeling the electric love of partnership in the rope, and running alone scores of miles from other people my rich lucid dreaming practice leads me farther into the deep end of my mysterious psyche. I am a practicing Buddhist and balance my very external travels in the hills with daily wind-down sessions in the form of yoga and meditation.

areas of expertise include: mountain running, periodized training, pregnant athleticism, water ice climbing, alpine climbing, glacier travel, crevasse rescue, training for altitude, expedition planning, dream yoga, meditation, injury prevention, goal setting, the autonomic nervous system, cadaver anatomy, and psychology of cold, endurance, and pain.

Joy and I are elated to have our first guest, on our first show, be a woman who possesses so much confidence and passion to trust her body in ways we hope inspires others. This conversation was electric, motivating, listen now!

We had a technical difficulty in the very beginning, it gets great after that!