Body types & what it means when planning exercise

If you haven’t started getting ready for tank tops and bathing suits, don’t fret! Here are some guidelines for getting lean just in time for tan lines!

As the saying goes; hard work pays off. And with that hard work comes something of worth. Isn’t your body the first and most important thing you should be respecting? Every woman should know they are worthy, and capable, of anything.  The first thing I tell my clients is that this commitment to yourself is going to take hard work.  Followed up by discipline, time, and fun.

Women’s bodies store more body fat in preparation for pregnancy, but where men and women store fat differs. Men gain “beer bellies” while women gain hips and thighs.  The whole baby bearing thing makes women predisposed to easier fat deposition while men’s genes want to build muscle.

To break it down even further, different body types fall under different categories. An Ectomorph is that super skinny friend that never gains an ounce while never seeing the inside of the gym.  Our friend the Mesomorph probably played sports in college and has an athletic build, but her weight probably fluxuates from muscular to softer features. Endomorphs are your friends that have a rounder body and find it hard to lose fat no matter what they do.

With these three classifications come different traits. An Endomorph probably has a slow metabolism and a genetic make up that makes it hard for her body to release the grip on her fat cells. Although a Mesomorph is muscular looking, she can still gain fat easier than an Ectomorph.  A high metabolism keeps Ectomorphs from gaining weight (fat or muscle).  Many people are a mix of two categories and find it educational to figure out their bodies traits. Many Endomorphs blame themselves for not working hard enough while they might be doing the wrong type of working out for their body type!

Endomorphs should perform more cardiovascular exercises while Ectomorphs should pile on healthy calories and weight train (if they want their muscles to look more defined). Mesomorphs are in the middle and should balance their routine with 2/3 weight training and 1/3 cardio.

Depending on what you like to do, and what your body needs, write a schedule of how many times you’ll lift weights and how many times you’ll add cardio. A good guideline is to weight train 3-4 days per week with 2-3 days of cardio. If you’re not sure of it all, hire a personal trainer for a couple sessions to learn the best regime for you.

Don’t forget to add in fun exercise activities to keep you interested and going all summer (year) long! Now that warmer weather has arrived, Rochester outdoor activities are in full swing!  Join a pick up soccer team (RAPS), a running group, spin class, outdoor group exercise, Frisbee, gardening, etc! Many towns have community centers that put on great activities through the year.

Last but surely not least, after each activity as part of every cool down process, stretch. This is the best time for your warm muscles to lengthen, relax, and oh does it feel good! Also, self-massage with a foam roller increases blood flow and works out those tight hot spots. For more guidance, email me at!