Pregnancy Core Saftey & Couch Stretch

Talking points in video:

    1. Your Core Canister
    2. Pelvic tilts – posterior vs. anterior
    3. Breathing
    4. AVOID 
  • Flexion: toes to bar/sit ups EVEN IN BED!/crunches/GHD sit ups
  • Sometimes mountain climbers: a flexion, high intensity movement that can easily be avoided. Definitely avoid if you have diastasis already in pregnancy
  • Planks: gravity pulling down on already stressed  linea alba. And a lot of people have improper position
  • Kipping – there’s nothing that says you’ll injure yourself or your baby but women’s experiences have shown a harder time recovering postpartum. These put a lot of forces through a body filled with relaxin, especially through shoulders (think weighted kipping pull up!).
  • Think about WHY you’re doing the movement. If it’s to be cool like everyone else, switch it. Can you get the same or better response by substituting the movement for another?


  • pallof press, chop 
  • Quadruped crawl
  • Heavy carries – suitcase, hex bar, farmers
  • Most fit Syn rings barbell lunges/squats/overhead squats (check out my instagram!)
  • Overhead press + stand/walk/lunge
  • Single leg + overhead press