Adapting your mindset through pregnancy
I’m the WORST at blogging. It’s the last thing on my plate because I have ‘more important’ aka more demanding things to check off my list. But it doesn’t mean I’m not writing! I’ve written 2 articles for WODTALK magazine. The first was “Adapting your mindset through pregnancy.” Read below and share the article link!
Darwin said those who survive are neither the strongest nor the most intelligent; it’s those that can adapt to change.
Within the walls of a box, workouts are constantly changing to accommodate growth. Challenge is a participant’s best friend because overcoming obstacles allows for new confidence, power, and strength. Evolution at it’s finest.
As women become pregnant, it creates a whole new level of adaptation. The body is no longer shaped by her control, nor will it stop changing. One of the hardest truths for active pregnant women to accept is that her body WILL change. It’s in complete contrast to her fit-mission. She’s going to gain weight over 9 months, which feels abnormal and can cause anxiety.
Adapting to this change begins in the mind. By fully accepting the circumstances and doing everything she CAN to prepare for labor and motherhood, a woman flexes her power-muscles to feel in control, reducing stress. The power of choice is her new bestie. In a culture where sedentary is normal and activity is limited, choosing to move is scary and sometimes frowned upon by those who are ignorant to what is true health. Do not succumb to those who fear, for they are all around us.
Darwin didn’t mean we shouldn’t be smart. No better time than pregnancy to take an intelligent approach to your wellness routine. There’s a shift in focus from ‘being the fastest’ to ‘mastering the movements’. Don’t worry, you’ll be fast again, but not if you’re injured because you didn’t choose to take the smart approach. Training now is about the day in and day out journey, based on how you feel, for something much greater – growing a healthy baby while remaining a healthy woman.
A healthy pregnancy void of injury, dis-ease and complications includes movement and much of it. Appropriate, SAFE movement that is. Just as Darwin said, it’s not the strongest that survive. Being strong is fantastic, being arrogant about your training is dumb. Pregnancy means your mindset around training must evolve. You’re going to feel shitty some days and great others. That means scaling will happen more often than not. Modifications are going to made A LOT in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. It’s NORMAL. And it’s no reason to fret. Safety is your top concern while you’re growing a little human inside you.
We know you’ve made a lot of sacrifices to look the way you look, feel the way you feel. By living, breathing, bleeding for your lifestyle, understand that pregnancy is a normal part of a woman’s life. Your body is highly intelligent, loves movement and will protect your babe. Just make sure you adapt to increased fueling, more hydration, less anxiety so you AND baby are as healthy as possible. And remember, this is only for approximately 9 months. As a new mom, you’re going to kick some serious ass while that baby (and your comrades) proudly cheer you on!