14 Sugar Facts – Not so Sweet.

This picture says a lot. A LOT. If this doesn’t scare you into decreasing you or your family’s sugar consumption, I don’t know what will. I know people who stop drinking soda and they lose on average 3-10 pounds in the first month. CRAZY! All from simply consuming too much sugar. If you need a replacement for the fizz – buy bottled carbonated water with fruit juice. Or if you need the energy – Advocare sells amazing, healthy energy shots and powder mixes that I’m absolutely addicted to. Mango Strawberry…yum! Email me if you want a sample.

 Perhaps decreasing kids intake of sugar will help with mood swings and tantrums?

Now, I’m all for a sugary treat. I bake. But I use whole ground sugar cane (never white) and always about 1/2 the recipe calls for, I really can’t stand super sweet things anymore. Yes, I crave the gourmet cupcake every so often and I go get one! It tastes delicious, it satisfies my craving. There’s nothing wrong with sweet treats as long as they’re consumed, like everything else, in moderation.