We believe coaches and communities are the conductors of change for women, families and future generations. Through knowledge of movement interfused with natural life cycles, together we ignite courage in a woman’s innate abilities, strength, and wisdom to be the most fierce version of her true self.






We offer a 6 hour in-depth practical, lecture, and Q&A course. We teach where requested by coaches, gym owners, franchise owners, or corporate programs!

Multiple locations? Please contact us to learn how we can educate and empower your teams of coaches.

Brittany Smith, MS

Brittany Smith, MS

CF Coach | Columbus, OH

"I registered for this seminar to gain confidence in coaching and training pregnant women. I feel a lot more confident in my coaching abilities and my understanding of the changes the woman's body goes through during the course of her pregnancy and how to properly scale/modify workouts to her needs throughout."

Previous Courses (Click for Album)

Here’s What You Get:

  • Anatomy and adaptations for basic strength movements [push, pull, hinge, lunge, carry, conditioning], core stability, and playful activities
  • Assessment processes for mechanics and stability
  • Learn how pregnancy movement encourages fitness for labor in both mom and fetus and also optimal positioning for fetus
  • The power of breathing, pacing, mindfulness, and helping clients down-regulate for labor and parenthood
  • Natural movement for parents, partner fitness and preparing as a team
  • Assessing diastasis recti, learn the core and pelvic floor; what movements strengthen, aid healing, low to high intensity movement strategies
  • Training in the first year postpartum: the realistic healing process and lifestyle support
  • Tools for mental and emotional support through each trimester and for new moms and parents. This includes identifying Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) with the Edinburgh Screening tool
  • Building a local network and how it can positively benefit your community and your business.
  • Structuring your schedule to accommodate mothers and parents, kids, and community resources to increase business bottom line.
  • [optional] Casual gathering for beverage/food/meal!

With Registration and Attendance, You Receive:

  • Admission to course
  • Free Strength Guide PDF download
  • Listing on our Pro Finder page
  • Certificate of Completion for CEUs to submit to your governing body.

*If you’re pregnant and due close to the course date, don’t worry, we’ll issue a full refund if baby decides to join you earlier than expected!

Don’t see a course in your area? Contact us to discuss hosting in your facility, anywhere in the world! Plus, your attendance is FREE! There are some requirements for hosting, view them here.

“The comprehensive nature of the course was extremely useful. I feel comfortable talking to clients and other healthcare professionals due to the extensive physiological and research based information provided.”

– Carolynn, CPT, Rochester

“The course was a lot of fun. As a male, it certainly broadens my understanding of a topic I’m not entirely familiar with. As a trainer, it makes me more aware of the natural processes of the female body in the scope of physical fitness.”

– Orrie, Owner Flatbush CrossFit

Can’t make a course? No worries, download the 55+ page Guide!

Previous Courses (Click for Album)

pregnancy postpartum strength conditioning birth exercise fitness safe crossfit prenatal mom

You Here! :)

How are baby-bearing women dominating the gym scene?

Millennial women, ages 18-34, dominate fitness class attendance. They also train with personal trainers and weights more than Gen-X and baby-boomers.

18-34 year olds are asking for more social exercise, authentic experiences, calm atmospheres, & opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals.

Females dominate fitness classes 5:1 over males. Owners increase participation by offering programs relevant to millennial females & by increasing the quality of coaching.

Convenient location is the #1 reason for gym attendance followed by good vibes. If you don’t know how to create a safe atmosphere for women, you’re missing a huge % of clients.

This course is done in both a hands-on and presentation-style format. Come dressed to move and sit in comfortable clothing. Please bring food/snacks, water, whatever you need!

We agree to abide by the CrossFit CE Approved Provider Standards of Professional Practice. Click here for full disclosure, refunds, cancellation policy.

Don’t see a course in your area? Contact us to discuss hosting in your facility, anywhere in the world! Plus, your attendance is FREE! There are some requirements for hosting, view them here.